Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Jonas Brothers

Jonas Brothers. Hollywood Records, 2007.

Summary: This the the second album released by the Jonas Brothers. Many of the songs are written by them and the album contains many successful singles such as "Hold On" and "SOS".

Critical Evaluation: The CD is filled with catchy songs that will appeal to all ages. While some of the songs sound very "produces" there are also many that feature acoustic guitar and have an earthier sound to them. Overall, it is upbeat music that will appeal to tweens and is appropriate in content for that age group, but parents will not mind having it playing in the car.

About the Group: The Jonas Brothers are a group that is extremely popular with teens and tweens. They have a huge and enthusiastic fan base and their wholesome lyrics and youth friendly sound make them an approved choice by parents as well.

Curriculum Ties: Music
Booktalking Ideas: N/A
Selection Process: I chose this album to review because they are such a popular band with the tween age group.
Challenge Issues: None

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