Monday, November 9, 2009

The English Roses 3 - The New Girl

Madonna. Illustrated by Jefferey Fulvimari. Puffin Books, 2007. ISBN: 978-0412408841.

Plot Summary: The English Roses are five best friends who do everything together. They are in the midst of preparing for the annual school talent show when one of the girls has a friend that she has met on holidays come for a visit. The whole group dynamic is thrown off when jealousy become an issue between the girls. Eventually, the girls learn to appreciate each other and their differences.

Critical Evaluation: This book is fairly formulaic and predictable. There are no surprises in the plot and the characters are one dimensional. Some readers may enjoy reading about the affluent lifestyle of the main characters but it is unlikely that many tweens will be able to identify with the characters who are all wealthy, pretty, talented and popular.

Reader's Annotation: Nicole, one of a group of 5 best friends, is excited when her friend from the US comes to visit. Unfortunately, the addition of a new girl to the group threatens to wreck their performance in the school talent show. Will the girls be able to stay best friends?

Author Info: Madonna is a popular singer, song writer and performer. She has published several books in the "English Rose" series.
Genre: Fiction
Curriculum Ties: None
Booktalking Ideas: Focus on relationship of the 5 best friends, Have you ever felt like you didn't belong?
Interest Level: 8-12
Challenge Issues: None.
If any, could be directed to research reviews of the series.
Selection Process: I was curious to read something written by Madonna.

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