Plot: Hattie Owen is 12 the summer her Uncle comes into her life. Her life until that point had been fairly isolated and quiet. She has few friends and spends most of her time on the porch of her parents boarding house talking with the renters. Her Uncle's mental illness that has kept him isolated from his family, become the focal point of their family for the summer. Through her friendship with her Uncle, Hattie explores relationships, the importance of family and the human need for acceptance and belonging. Her universe is broadened and she changes on a fundamental level from her experiences.
Critical Evaluation: A Corner of the Universe is a well written, sympathetic look at mental illness and how it can affect a family and a community. It is also an insightful look into the life of an adolescent girl as she begins to comes to terms with relationships, consequences, the fear of being different, and the complicated nature of families. The writing style of the book and the first person point of view really lets the reader into Hattie's mind and her thoughts and is an effective mechanism for imparting the story.
Reader's Annotation: In the summer of 1960, 12 year old Hattie meets her mentally ill uncle for the first time when he returns from boarding school. The re-introduction of Adam into the family structure causes a great deal of turmoil as everyone is forced to evaluate their complicated feelings towards each other.
About the Author: Ann M. Martin is also the author of the popular Baby Sitters Club series.
Genre: Fiction, Coming of age
Curriculum Ties: Psychology
Booktalking Ideas: What would it be like to have a mental illness?
Reading Level: 10-16
Challenge Issues: There is a suicide in the book.
Selection Process: I read a review in a local parenting magazine.
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