Plot Summary: Cady has spent most of her life being homeschooled in Africa by her Zoologist parents. Constantly living on Safari, she is adept at surviving among wild animals. This comes in handy when she starts attending an American high school. She becomes friends with two students who while they may not be the coolest, have a good sense of self and are smart, funny and self aware. The three become fascinated with "the plastics" a girl only clique that rules the school. They decide that Cady should infiltrate the clique to learn all their secrets. The only problem is that Cady gets caught up with being popular. She begins to enjoy other looking up to her for being pretty and popular rather than smart and accomplished.
Critical Evaluation: Mean Girls received a great deal of critical acclaim, and for good reason. The story sends a valuable message to young girls while avoiding being overly preachy. The movie is touching and funny and brings back memories of how painful it can be to be an adolescent.
Reader's Annotation: Cady is new to school. She has been living in Africa with her zoologist parents. She has to learn the hard way that fitting in is more complicated than it looks.
About the Author: The book is based on a non-fiction work by Rosalind Wiseman, Queen Bees and Wannabes.
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Curriculum Ties: None
Booktalking Ideas: Have you ever had to lie to fit in? How did it make you feel?
Interest Level: Age 12 and up
Selection Process: I have seen it several times and believe it has a positive message for tween and teen girls.
Challenge Issues: None
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