Plot Summary: George is a nice, polite boy who lives with his family and his grouchy, impossible to please, grandmother. One day while he is responsible for his gramma, he decides to add a bit of something extra into her medicine. The results are quite surprising to say the least! When George shows his father the results of his little experiment, his father is eager for him to recreate the potion so they can profit from the benefits. Because George threw everything but the kitchen sink into the medicine and cannot remember the quantities, he and his father begin experimenting with wild results!
Critical Evaluation: Like all of Roald Dahl's work, this story will be enjoyed by parents and children alike thanks to it's darkly humorous content. This story is well narrated and really is brought to life by being read aloud. Richard E. Grant does an excellent job of imparting the unique personalities of each character into his voice and intonations.
Reader's Annotation: George is a smart little boy who lives with his family and his terrible, grumpy grandmother. One day, he decides to make her medicine "special" to cure her grumpiness.
About the Author: Roald Dahl is the author of a great number of children's books including: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Great Glass Elevator, The Enormous Crocodile and many others. He has also written books for adults such as My Uncle Oswald and many books of short stories. He is known for darkly humorous stories.
Genre: Humour
Booktalking Ideas: What would happen if you could make a magic potion? What would you want it to do?
Focus on relationship between George and his Grandmother
Focus on relationship between George and his Grandmother
Challenge Issues: None. If any, they could be advised to look up reviews of the book.
Interest Level: Ages 9 and up
Selection Process: I have read most of Roald Dahl's work and this one is a favorite.
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