Plot Summary: In the sixth book of the Series of Unfortunate Events series, the three Baudelaire siblings have arrived in the home of their new guardians. As always, the three children have a lot on their plate. They are attempting to discover where the evil Count Olaf has taken their friends, the Quagmires, while trying to evade him themselves. On top of this, their new "mother" has declared elevators to be "out" and a large part of their days is spend getting up and down the stairs to the 71 bedroom penthouse. Eventually, they meet up with Olaf and the race is on to save their friends and themselves.
Critical Evaluation:The Ersatz Elevator will appeal to many types of readers. The story is gloomy, funny and suspenseful. There are many appealing aspects to this story and the style it is written in. The narrators descriptions of vocabulary used in the story is humorous and informative. Children will be able to identify on some level with one of the three likable Baudelaire children and will enjoy reading about them.
Reader's Annotation: The three Baudelaire orphans are in the hone of their new guardians, the Squalors. The evil Count Olaf has their friends, the Quagmires and the Baudelairs are anxious to rescue their friends and stay out of the Count's clutches themselves.
About the Author: Lemony Snicket is the author all 13 books of the Series of Unfortunate Events. There is a great deal of "biographical" information about him online, including a wikipedia page. "Lemony Snicket" is a pseudonym for Daniel Handler.
Genre: Fantasy, suspense, humour
Curriculum Ties: English - vocabulary
Booktalking Ideas:What would you do if you had to look after yourself?
Interest Level: Grade 4-6
Challenge Issues: None
Selection Process: I have heard of these books for quite a while but had not had the opportunity to read any until now.
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